Malibu Tile Works specializes in creating decorative tiles for the beautification of your environment. The art of making tiles has been enjoyed for centuries -not only for its function and durability, but also for its beauty. Some of the earliest uses of tile was for the adornment of places of worship. Tile making enjoyed great appreciation during the Arts and Crafts movement in the early 1900's as evidenced by the popularity of art tiles by Ernest Batchelder, Moravian Pottery & Tile Works, Malibu Potteries and Catalina Potteries. The tiles created by Malibu Tile Works are inspired by these early artisans and others. Malibu Tile Works is owned by artist, Janine Waldbaum, and specializes in custom, classic and original designs using old-world techniques such as cuerda-seca. Malibu Tile Works can create custom tiles, murals, panels and ceramic creations for your interior or exterior surroundings.